Faces of the Moon

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Data Summary:

Agent: Moonlight
Age: Classified
Origin: Classified
Bio: Moonlight posses the ability to change his appearance to that of someone whose Aether has been analyzed. For him to fully analyze the shape of someone's Aether, direct contact is necessary. This amount of time depends on the complexity of the target.
The following are Alter-egos that Moonlight uses to get access to highly confidential information.

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Codename: Full Moon
Seyu'a Yhinsali

This phase is meant to function as the base for agent Moonlight. A charismatic philanthropist with deep connections to organized crime. More information can be found within the main file.

Codename: Waxing Gibbous
Rovain Hofholt

A young Viera male who through his incredible perception skills has been given the rank of investigator and officer in Hingashi. He tends to be stoic, showing little emotion to anyone as he often prefers to keep his thoughts to himself. He has gained the trust of many authority figures, allowing him to keep them all away from the illicit activities preformed by the other phases.

Codename: First Quarter
Derman Baxter

Professor Baxter is a Hyuran male who studied the subject of aether in Sharlayan. This phase has no immediate family due to devoting most of his time to research. This phase also allows Moonlight to have access to countless records and files within the libraries of Sharlayan, even those available only to few. Use of this phase provides with the necessary research on how to masquerade not only one's appearance, but their aether too. Baxter himself is a bookworm with lots of knowledge and very little life experience in the outside world.

Codename: Waxing Crescent
Arimichi Hagane

A tall, dark, and brooding Au'ra that offers his services as a bodyguard. Unfortunate circumstances lead him to grow up without a family and as such, has had to fight tooth and and nail against life itself, leaving some deep scars. Despite all this, deep within him is a yearning for a sense of belonging. A softened heart lies inside his harsh outer shell. Tragic backstory aside, this phase has allowed Moonlight to gather very important intel by offering his bodyguard services to powerful figures.

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